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Disciplines Group for Crop and Stress Biology in Arid Areas

Author:    Date:2020-05-17      Read:


Throughfully implementing the disciplines group construction, disciplinary orientations like the pathogenesis of crop pathogens and IPM, apple stress resistance biology and new varieties breeding reached the international frontier; orientations of wheat stress resistance genetics and varieties selective breeding, agriculture microbial diversity and environmental adaptation mechanism led domestic research and are internationally renowned. The disciplines group construction drove forwardprogress of many A&F disciplines.The ESIranking in 2019 rated A&F Agricultural Science at 22nd, top 0.27 ‰ of all institutions and surpassed the goal of top 0.5 ‰ in advance; the Botany and Zoology at 130th, top 1.056 ‰ of all and basically approached the goal of top 1 ‰; Biology and Biochemistry at 596th, top 5.81 ‰ and attained significant increase.

Construction achievements since 2016 of the discipline group are listed as follows: (1) In scientific research, 2 National Science and Technology Progress Awards were granted; 27 crop varieties verified, 29 patents approved, 1,143 SCI papers published, 208 new research projects chaired and the basic innovation capacity significantly improved. (2) In team building, a top-notchteam ranging from academician, "Thousand Talents Program"scholar, "Appointed Professors of Changjiang Scholars", "National Elite Youth" scientists to young and middle-aged backbones has been set up; (3) In talents cultivation, the training system featuring all-staff, whole-process and  all-round education was implemented through appointing tutor to each undergraduate and a tutor panel to each postgraduate; (4) Insocial services, a number of dry-land production technologies are perfected and promoted in arid areas;(5) In international exchanges and cooperation, the long-term stable research cooperation and exchanges with internationally renowned laboratories was maintained.
