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作者:      发布日期:2014-04-04     浏览:


Notice about attending the annual University Sports Event, 2014
全体外国留学生/Dear All:
我校2014年运动会将于417-18日在北校区举办。根据学校安排将有关要求通知如下:The annual Sports Event of NWSUAF will be held from 17to 18 April.
1. 2013级全体外国留学生届时取消汉语课程,必须参加运动会All Chinese courses in this period will be cancelled and International Students of 2013 must take apart in this event.
2.欢迎其他年级外国留学生参加比赛,全体外国留学生家属可前往观赛Welcome all the Other International Students to this event and all family members could watch the games.
二、报名事项Athlete Registration
身体健康的在校外国留学生均可报名参赛,请根据身体状况恰当选择项目All International students with good physical fitness are allowed to get registration for Student Program. Please apply for sport events according to your own interest.
1.每个项目限报2人,每人限报2/Each project is max for 2 athletes; every Participant is limited for 2 projects except for relay games and interesting sports.
2.田径比赛以外项目的,每人限报2/You can apply another 2 projects not including in athletic contests
3.外国留学生可以不受报名限制参加趣味运动You are encouraged to take apart in all interest games.
4.具体项目以体育部网站《8868体育官方入口2014年田径运动会竞赛规程》为准/More details please check the projects of track and field competition, 2014 on website of Department of Physical Education.
5.请于410日前完成报名登记。须谨慎选择项目,报名后不能更改All Participants should finish the Registration procedure before April 10, any change of the games is impossible are registration, please choose the programs with much consideration.
报名地点PLACE:8868体育官方入口办公室或辅导员房间Office of CIE or Student counselor ‘s room
联系人Contact:庞老师Teacher Pang 联系电话Tel15991745288 87080281
三、参赛要求Requirement for Athletes
运动员必须参加开幕式,身体健康状况不佳的不得参赛。其他参赛要求如下all athletic students must take apart in the open ceremony and the close ceremony, athletics should be in good fitness and suit for other requirements as following
1.证件:携带校园一卡通参加赛前监控中心体检Take your campus card for check up In the monitoring center
2.场地:径赛项目、跳高、跳远、铅球项目在北校塑胶田径场比赛,趣味竞赛项目中的篮球项目在室外篮球场进行;track eventshigh jumplong jump and the shot put will be Performed in the ring plastic stadiumbasket events of the fun exercises would be played in the basketball court.
3.录检:所有田赛、径赛项目(含迎面接力)在主席台下一楼赛前空置中心检录,趣味项目直接在比赛场地检录;Students for Track and field Events should get check up under the platformget check up in the holding site for fun exercises
4.鞋子:塑胶场的比赛要求必须是有短钉的跑鞋入场athletic students for track events should put on track shoe.
.开幕式要求Depart requirements  
请全体参加开幕式人员417日穿戴本国民族服饰于7:10分在外国留学生公寓门口集合,由老师统一带队参加开幕式Leaving for north campus at 7:10 in the front of our dorm(21#)please wear folk costume for the open ceremony.                                                                                                 
 201441/April 1, 2014

The Students’ programs and its regulation
 (Track and field meets, 2014)
一、学生男子组The men's team competes/14events
1跨栏Meters hurdles110米栏、400
2、接力The relay race4×100米、4×400
3、短跑Short-metre Dash:100100-meter200200-meter400 400-meter
4、长跑long-metre race800800-metre race15001500-metre race50005000-metre race
5、跳跃项目Jumping events跳高the high jump、跳远long jump、三级跳远triple jump
6、推铅球Shot-put: 场地投掷越远成绩越高The field event in which athletes try to put, or throw, the shot as far as possible
二、学生女子组The women's team competes/14events
1跨栏Meters hurdles110米栏、400
2、接力The relay race4×100米、4×400
3、短跑Short-metre Dash:100100-meter200200-meter400 400-meter
4、长跑long-metre race800800-metre race15001500-metre race30003000-metre race
5、跳跃项目Jumping events跳高the high jump、跳远long jump、三级跳远triple jump
6、推铅球Shot-put: 场地投掷越远成绩越高The field event in which athletes try to put, or throw, the shot as far as possible
三、趣味竞赛项目fun exercises/12events
1、男子4The men's team competes
1)跳背接力play leapfrog :每队16Sixteen team members
2)足球1分钟颠球juggled the ball for 1 minute:每队5Five team members
3)篮球1分钟投篮rushed to the basket and shot as much as possible during 1 minute:每队5Five team members
4)篮球运球往返上篮接力Basketball dribbling round lay-up relay:每队5Five team members
2、女子4The women's team competes
1)跳大绳jump rope每队8Eight team members
2)绑腿跑Leggings running503Three students for 50 meters
3)篮球1分钟投篮rushed to the basket and shot as much as possible during 1 minute:每队5Five team members
4)篮球运球往返上篮接力Basketball dribbling round lay-up relay:每队5Five team members
3、男女混合4mixed sports
1排球对垒:versus of volleyball game
Six team members: 3 male students and 3 female students
21660米混合迎面接力:60 meters coming relay race
Sixteen team members: 8 male students and 8 female students
3袋鼠跳接力:Jumping relay
Ten team members: 5 male students and 5 female students
4)木履争先running with clogs42女)
Six team members: 4 male students and 2 female students
三、比赛规则Competion Rules
1. 双赛制Two round Events:短跑和接力两项比赛设预赛和决赛Both the Short-metre Dash and the relay race for male students and female students are two round events.
2. 单赛制One round Events800(包括800)以上竞赛项目采用一赛制,直接决赛long-metre race over 800 meters events 

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