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A Letter to International Alumni

作者:      发布日期:2014-06-18     浏览:


Dear International alumni:
The Northwest A&F University (NWAFU) is about to host a series of activities in the week of Sept. 7 to Sept. 13, 2014 to celebrate the 80th anniversary of its establishment. The celebrative activities will promote and carry forward the university's deep-engrained traditions, educational disciplines, and to display the education and reform achievements in the past eighty years' progress and development by encouraging and uniting all the teaching faculties, staff and alumni home and abroad. The celebrations also aim to unite the social strengths from all areas to exploit a new situation from all aspects to construct NWAFU a worldwide leading agricultural university. We expect your return to attend these activities and celebrate the extraordinary fruits we have achieved with us.
On 20 April, 1934, our Alma Mater's predecessor, National Northwest Agriculture and Forestry Professional School was established in Yangling, where Chinese agricultural civilization was originally derived from. Today, directly administrated by the Ministry of Education and entitled as one of the state key university under the support of "985 project" and "211 project", NWAFU, which closely integrates agricultural industry, education and research, now is speeding up its pace towards becoming a world-top-ranking agricultural university and leading the Chinese agricultural education and research frontier.
NWAFU was authorized by the Ministry of Education to enroll Chinese Government Scholarship supported international students in 2006. So far, the College of International Education has admitted over 600 international students from more than 50 countries in total with 68 degree graduates. Your consistent commitments and trust are the aspiration of our international education courses. Every schoolfellow's efforts and striving contributes to the prosperity and advancement of Alma Mater, whose future construction and development also need your attention and supports. We welcome all the alumni home and abroad to attend our university's anniversary celebration, during which the sense of student friendship could be recalled, moreover, are also hoped to jointly plan the blueprint of Alma Mater.
At the time of the 80 years' anniversary, it is delightful to have the alumni’s rewarding. Your contribution will be much appreciated, which can be a memorial thesis, 80 yuan donation for a membership of alumna activities; or a special fund to the university, adopting a tree costs 1000 yuan under your name with the namecard on that tree. All of your blessings and donations will be listed on our website, schoolfellow newsletters and university journals timely. They will also be written into the history with Alma Mater's achievements and honor. Your generosity and cohesion towards our university will continue to promote its further progress and glory.
Best wishes to all alumni!
College of International Education
Contacts: Mr. Shao Guiwen Ms. Pang Xueqin
Office Tel: 029-87080281 Fax: 029-87080283
Address: College of International Education
3 Taicheng Road
        Yangling Demonstration Zone 712100, Shaanxi
        P. R. China
Website: http://www.nwsuaf.edu.cn/

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