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作者:      发布日期:2014-12-08     浏览:


Notice about the 2014 Winter Recreational Sports Meeting
For International Students
为丰富校园生活,促进外国留学生更多了解中国文化,现决定举办2013年冬季趣味活动。有关事项通知如下To enrich our extra-curricular life, there will be lots of diversified sports activities on the playground of South campus from 2:30 to 5:00p.m. On 13 December.
8868体育官方入口教工、全体外国留学生Staff of CIE and all the international students
二、活动时间和地点Time and Place
1213日下午2:30—5:00p.m. 南校区体育场西侧跑道West part of the playground of South campus
三、活动内容Sports programs
1跳绳Rope skipping每次10人,1分钟内跳次数最多的胜出,取各组前3名进行决赛;双人组按照相同规则开展,可男女混编With 10 people skipping at one time, the top 3 of every ten people will enter the final game to decide the first; the person skipping the most wins. Double skipping needs two persons skipping at one time and it follows the same rules of the single skipping; the double skipping can be mixed genders.
2踢毽子Kicking shuttlecock每次10人,1分钟内跳次数最多的胜出,取各组前3名进行决赛,双人组按照相同规则开展,可男女混编。With 10 people kicking at one time, the top 3 of every ten people will enter the final game to decide the first; the person kicking the most in one minute wins. Double kicking needs two persons kicking at one time, and it follows the same winning rules of the single kicking; the double kicking can be mixed genders.
3转呼拉圈Hula Hoop 每次10人,1分钟内转数最多的胜出,取各组前3名进行决赛With 10 people rolling at one time, the top 3 of every ten people will enter the final game to decide the first; those rolling the most rounds in one minute win.
4班级拔河Tug of war2个汉语班级之间开展1场,胜利者与高年级组1With the first round between the two Chinese classes of the new students, the winner will fight with the senior students.
5筷子夹球Chopsticks clutching ping pang每组10人,1分钟内向盘内夹入乒乓球数最多的胜出;前3名进入决赛。With 10 people clutching balls at one time, the top 3 of every ten people will enter the final game to decide the first; those clutching the most balls in one minute win.
请广大外国留学生积极参与,活动时间可根据天气情况作灵活调整Welcome all the international students to take part in the games. There will be gifts and awards waiting for you! If the weather is not good, we would rearrange the activity on another day.
2014128Dec. 8, 2014

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