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作者:      发布日期:2013-10-14     浏览:


Notice Regarding the 2nd international cultural festival

全体外国留学生DEAR ALL
为推动多元文化交流,繁荣校园文化生活,现决定于20131026日举办第二届国际文化艺术节To enrich our campus life and to encourage the exchange of different culture, It was decided to hold the 2nd international cultural festival.
有关活动项目申报事项通知如下more details about the programs as follow:
全体在校外国留学生All international students of NWSUAF
活动项目应突出反映外国留学生精神风貌、学习成就、在校生活、国家文化all programs should be focus on those themes such as National culture, mental outlook, achievements in the studywonderful life in china and so on.
展现形式上可以考虑以下几个方面we suggest you to make all programs to be presented by various forms at the exhibitions
1.文艺展Art show::现场表演富有民族特色和国家文化特色的歌舞及在中国习得的书法等Live performance with national characteristics, such as song, dance and Chinese calligraphy;
2.摄影展Photo gallery: 展出外国留学生在校学习生活精美图片Photos for the exhibition regarding colorful life in china;
3.服饰展Costumes:现场表演服装秀展现民族服饰fashion show about national costumes;
4.美食展Food Show:展览外国留学生本民族饮食live performance diets about national food;
5.在校成就展Achievements:展览在校期间学习、科研、文艺、体育等成就Exhibition about learning, research, sports and other achievements.
6.国别知识展National knowledge:图片展览有关国家山川、民族构成、标志性建筑等the picture show about mountains and rivers, landmark building, etc.
项目按照小组申报,每各小组设立负责人It only opens to international students’ team and every team should have a team leader who takes in charge of all application and performance affairs
具体申报要求如下more requirements to be listed
1.按照国别建立小组,各组人数不得少于3Everyone must be established in one team accordance with the national, no less than three members for one team.
2.国别人数不足3人的可以和其他外国留学生合作申请If you people here are less than 3, you are allowed to invite other international student of NWSUAF to work with you as a team.
3.所需要展出的图片/海报等请自行前往林学院打印店印制,各组限定免费印制图片40张、大海报2张,小海报4you could print your photos and make your posters in the printing shop located in College of forest, 40 photos, 2 big size posters, 4 middle size posters are free for every team.  
4.食品应重在精美,控制数量,学院给予100/项目的资助Try to display your delicate food and beverage packages with limited quantity, every team could get 100RMB as the financial support from CIE for a food show.
请以国别小组的形式于1020日前向外国留学生辅导员报送项目申请表Please submit your application form before Oct 20.
联系人Contact person:庞老师Teacher Pang 住址Address112房间Room 112
附件Attachment::8868体育官方入口第二届国际文化艺术节项目申请表Application form for the 2st International culture Northwest A&F University
文件类型=.doc 5d2b7ab90002036684af20f1b5d51388.doc (59.00 KB)

                                                           October 11, 2013

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