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作者:      发布日期:2015-10-08     浏览:


Notice Regarding the 4th international cultural festival
全体外国留学生Dear all international students:

enrich our campus life and to encourage the exchange of different culture,  It was expected
to hold the 4th international cultural festival.
有关活动项目申报事项通知如下more details about the programs as follow:
全体在校外国留学生All international students of NWAFU
1. 文化展台Culture booth
展台由各国留学生布置,全方位展现本国文化。例如饮食、工艺品、民族服饰、音乐舞蹈等 students will design the layout of their country’s booth, displaying such things as traditional clothing, food, music, dance, crafts and other cultural items.
(1)摄影展Photo gallery: 在校学习生活精美图片Photos for the exhibition regarding colorful life in china;
(2)服饰展Costumes: 现场表演服装秀展现民族服饰fashion show about national costumes;
(3)美食展Food Show:展览留学生本民族饮食live performance diets about national food;
(4) 在校成就展Achievements:展览在校期间学习、科研、文艺、体育等成就Exhibition about learning, research, sports and other achievements.
(5)国别知识展National knowledge:图片展览有关国家山川、民族构成、标志性建筑等the picture show about mountains and rivers, landmark building, etc.
   2. 才艺项目Talent show::舞台表演富有民族特色和国家文化特色的歌舞等Live performance with national characteristics, such as song, dance;
   3. 节目主持Student host: 征求男女留学生主持人各1名we will select one host and one hostess from our international students
参与者穿着本国民族传统服饰All Participants should wear traditional clothing at your country’s booth.
展台项目按照小组申报,各小组设负责人It only opens to international students’ team  and every team should have a team leader who takes in charge of all application and performance affairs
具体申报要求如下more requirements to be listed
1.按照国别建立小组,各组人数不得少于3人Everyone must be established in one team accordance with the national, no less than three members for one team.
2.国别人数不足3人的可以和其他留学生合作申请If you people here are less than 3, you are allowed to invite other international student of NWSUAF to work with you as a team.
3.所需要展出的图片/海报等请提前1周报8868体育官方入口,以帮助统一打印 Submit the photos for posters to Our College one week in advance, we will print them for you.
4.食品应重在精美,控制数量Try to display your delicate food and beverage packages with limited quantity.
5. 参与才艺表演和节目主持的留学生将获得有关证书The student performing a talent show and student host would be awarded special certificates.
欢迎积极报名参加,让更多的人了解、认识你们的文化,你们的国家。请10月12日前向报送项目申请表Please join and promote the traditional cultures for more friends to know about your country. Please submit your application form before Oct 12.
联系人Contact person:曹老师Teacher Cao 
附件Attachment::国际文化艺术节项目申请表Application form

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