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作者:      发布日期:2015-04-10     浏览:


Announcement of Implementing the new system of Chinese Government Scholarship
根据国家财政部、教育部相关文件,国家留学基金委对中国政府奖学金内容进行调整,新奖学金资助包括学费、住宿费、生活费、保险费和国际旅费等五项内容According to the documents of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, CSC has adjusted the scholarship system which covers tuition fee, accommodation fee, living allowance, medical insurance and transportation fee.
现将我校具体执行工作通知如下Specific as follows:
一、学费和住宿费Tuition and accommodation
1. 学费Tuition fee :免交Waiver
2. 住宿费Accommodation:根据学校录取通知书要求合住双人间,免交住宿费all CSC students should follow NWAFU’s arrangement specified in the Admission Procedure, sharing a double room with 1 another student but no need to pay the room rent.
二、生活费Living allowance
2015年4月开始按照新的标准发放生活费并补发2014年9月以来的奖学金差额We would issue the monthly living subsidies in line with the new standard since April and send the difference of the past seven months starting from Sept. of 2014 to your bank account at the early April
1.新标准New standard:从2014年9月开始,CSC本科生生活费调整为2500元/月,硕士生3000元/月,博士生3500元/月 From Sept. 2014, the monthly living subsidies of undergraduate students was raised to 2500 Yuan/month, master students 3000 Yuan/month, PhD 3500 Yuan/month.
2.差额The difference:2014年9月至2015年3月(7个月)的差额for the last seven month 
本科生补发Undergraduate students: 1100元*7月=7700元;硕士生补发Master students: 1300元*7月=9100元;博士生补发Doctoral student:1500元*7月=10500元.
三、医疗保险费Medical insurance
1.门诊补助outpatient subsidy:自从2014年9月起,取消门诊医疗补贴。所有医疗费用报销事宜咨询北京平安保险公司From April 2015 on, outpatient medical subsidy will be canceled . If you have medical expenses, please consult Beijing Ping'an Insurance Company.
2.理赔程序和政策procedures and policies:请查询http://www.lxbx.net/tbzn/lxbx-tb07-s2.html(保险政策中文简介)或http://www.lxbx.net/lpfw/lxbx-lp09-s2.html(理赔指南) for the process to claim your medical cost.
1. 国际航班International air ticket:对两国政府有协议的学生,CSC提供国际机票,我们会于每年4-5月前后通知这些学生,未通知到表示不享受免费机票。For the students with the bilateral agreement between Governments, CSC provides international air ticket. CIE will inform these students around April-May. Those who don’t enjoy the policy will not be informed.
2. 中国国内旅费Domestic Transportation:国内交通费、一次性安置费已经包含在生活费中,不再发放补助Domestic transportation fare& one- time settlement allowance will not be provided anymore.
Thanks for your attention!

2015年4月7日April 7, 2015

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