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作者:      发布日期:2013-05-27     浏览:


Calling for Essays about “My Story and the Chinese Dream”
全体外国留学生Dear All:
根据中国高等教育学会外国留学生教育管理分会《关于在外国留学生中开展〈我与中国梦〉征文活动的通知》精神According to the notice on calling essays about My story and The Chinese dream in international students studying from China association for International Education.
为鼓励更多外国留学生深入了解中国,心系中国,将在华留学梦想与中国梦有效结合,发奋学习、努力圆梦,现将我校外国留学生“中国梦”征文事项通知如下:With the aim of letting International Students know much more about China and blending their oversea study dream with the Chinese dream, to encourage them study hard and fulfill their dreams, The contest in our university would be arranged as following.
我与中国梦 My Story and the Chinese Dream
二、征文对象/ Participants
全校外国留学生All international students studying in Northwest A&F University
1、稿件须紧扣主题,通过切身经历和感受,记述外国留学生所感悟到的中国梦及其有关故事,稿件须是本人(集体)原创,不得虚构和抄袭The Work as a whole requires prominent theme and it must be an original one regarding the international’s feelings and thoughts about china, in case embezzled others.
2稿件篇幅不超过3000字,中英文均可,提倡中文写作No more than 3000words for the essay, all articles writing in Chinese & English are available, and you are encouraged to write in Chinese.
38868体育官方入口拥有对征集作品进行复制、展览、编辑、出版等权利All creators would give up their copyright and donate their work to College of International Education.
1、投稿方式:请以电子文本投稿,稿件请注明作者中英文姓名、国别,并附作者生活照1张;Submit the digital text with one latest life photo to us, the essay shall have all relevant information such as titles, authors’ name in both English and Chinese and the nationality.
2、投稿邮箱:shtang001nwsuaf.edu.cn,投稿时请注明“中国梦”投稿;please send the essay to shtang001@nwsuaf.edu.cn, and use a labels of “Essays about the Chinese Dream”.
3、截至日期:征文有效期至201371 The valid time is from May 28 to July 1,2013.
本次征文共设立一等奖1项,二等奖2项,三等奖3项,优秀奖若干项,分别奖励1000元,500元,300元、100元。8868体育官方入口推荐有关获奖文章参加陕西省征文比赛。The contest sets different awards, 1000RMB for the only owner of the first prize, 500RMB for two owners of the second prize, and 300RMB for three owners of the third prize, 100RMB for all good participants. All excellent articles would be recommended to take apart in the Competition in ShaanXi province.
联系电话Office number87080281   QQ:641873110
2013527May 27, 2013

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