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作者:    发布日期:2016-04-06     浏览:


Notice about Attending the Annual University Sports Event, 2016

全体外国留学生/Dear All:

我校2016年运动会将于421-22日在北校区举办。根据学校安排将有关要求通知如下:The annual Sports Event of NWSUAF will be held from 21 to 22 April(Thursday to Friday).

一、报名事项Athlete Registration

身体健康的在校外国留学生均可报名参加,请报名者根据自身身体状况选择合适项目All International students with good physical fitness are allowed to get registration for Student Program. Please apply for sport events according to your own health conditions.

1.每队一个项目限报2人,每人限报2/Basic rule is each project is open for 2 athletes; every participant is limited for 2 projects except for relay games and interesting sports; but the final list is adjustable depending on the participant number and participant distribution in the programs.

2.田径比赛以外项目,每人限报2/You can apply for another 2 projects except the athletic contests.

3.鼓励外国留学生积极参加趣味运动项目You are encouraged to take apart in all interest games.

4.请于413日前完成报名登记。须谨慎选择项目,报名后不能更改Registration deadline is April 13; please choose the programs with much consideration.

二、赛前训练Training before the Sporting Event

凡报名参加各项目的外国留学生请加强自身锻炼;报名完成后,8868体育官方入口组织赛前训练,请外国留学生积极参与To prepare for the Sporting Event, all the players will be organized to take training exercises after registration.

联系人Contact:邵老师Teacher Shao 庞老师Teacher Pang曹老师Teacher Cao   

联系电话Tel18729557519 87080281




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