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作者:    发布日期:2018-04-25     浏览:


  全体外国留学生Dear All:

  为丰富来华留学生的文化生活,全面展示来华留学生的精神风貌和进取精神,中国教育部决定举办“第三届留动中国—在华留学生阳光运动文化之旅”活动With the aim of providing platforms for international students to show their talent and further enriching their life, sponsored by the ministry of education of china, the third national sunshine sport game and culture experience camp for international students studying in china would be held this summer.

  根据参赛要求,现将我校留学生运动员征召工作通知如下:In line with notification of Entry Requirements, we would call for international students as attendants:

  一、征召人数 The participants

  1.正式运动员9人,男生5人,女生4人Each team would be composed of 9 international campers, with 5 male students and 4 female students.

  2.候补运动员4人,男女2人At the same time, we would select 2 male students and 2 female students as the Alternate members for the activity.

  具体人选将根据报名参训留学生的培训成绩选拔The final decision would be made on the base of your training performance.

  二、报名资格The qualifications

  1.身体健康,适合参加体育活动Healthy enough to attend the strenuous exercise

  2.参赛年龄原则上不超过28周岁 Not over 28 years old in principle

  3.热爱中国文化,汉语水平优秀,具备体育才艺特长Excellent in oral Chinese and have enthusiasm about Chinese culture, with personal talent.

  4.接受培训和比赛安排,参加健康体检,有较为充裕的时间参加培训和出征比赛Go through the physical examination and take the regular trainings on time, attend the final competition of Shaanxi province as arranged.

  三、培训安排The training

  5月2日开展培训,具体培训安排如下Before the predetermined competition day( the latter part of May ), the campers will have regular trainings every week:

  1.定向越野项目Orienteering at campus:每周训练3次,分别为每周周一、周三、周六16:30—18:30,具体在南校区校园开展The teacher would lead you to take the training 16:30—18:30 for every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday in south campus.

  2.篮球三对三项目Three-man street basketball match:每周训练3次,分别为每周周二、五、六16:30—18:30,具体在南校区篮球场训练,男生运动员参训Take the training 16:30—18:30 for every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday in south campus.

  3.体育才艺项目Talent Event:每周训练3次,分别为每周周三、周四、周日19:30-21:30;具体在8868体育官方入口学生活动室培训Take the training 19:30-21:30 of every Wednesday,Thursday and Sunday in the activity room of College of International Education(CIE).

  4.中国文化知识培训Chinese culture:由8868体育官方入口负责培训,具体时间由指导教师制定training from CIE Chinese teachers,the arrangement will notice later.

  培训期间,8868体育官方入口提供护腕、护膝、跑步鞋、篮球比赛服装、才艺表演服装和道具等,并向每名运动员提供营养补助。参加比赛的交通、住宿及餐饮等费用均由学校承担CIE would support you with all the sports equipment, such as the Wrist, palm, knee and elbow protectors, the gym shoes, basketball clothing, vests and the special clothes of the talent Show. All the fees for attending the competition would covered by CIE and all formal campers will get some subsidy for everyday’s training.


  请有意向参加的留学生从留学生QQ群下载并填写《第三届留动中国—运动员信息表》在5月2日上午12:00前将纸质版报送8868体育官方入口110办公室,电子版发送至庞老师(654257784@qq.com)或曹老师(304778132@qq.com)处.Please get the application form from international students QQ group, fill out the form with your supervisor’s permission and then submit to the 110 office of CIE before 12:00a.m. on May 2nd. You should send the digital one to Ms.Pang(654257784@qq.com) or Ms.Cao(304778132@qq.com).

  联系人及联系方式Contacts:庞老师Ms.Pang  QQ:654257784  曹老师Ms.Cao   QQ:304778132





  2018年4月25日April 25, 2018

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